Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Spring Has Sprung at the Farmhouse

It's amazing what 72 degrees, a soft, warm breeze, a few open flowers can do to get you moving.  Off to the farmhouse I went early this morning and started to get some things in order.

I rearranged some furniture, hung some paintings, put down some hooked rugs, vacuumed, took a lot of things up to the main house.

The living room now has two seating areas, all neat and tidy.

Hellebores that a friend gave me years ago that I moved with me from Georgia are starting to bloom.

This corner of the living room with the shelves shows how crooked the floors are in the house and is dirty and unsightly.  I had the old painted door propped up in front of it, but it didn't cover the whole thing, so I decided to use a curtain I bought from IKEA, which would cover it from ceiling to floor.  I loved the pattern on these curtains, but had no place to use them, so this was perfect. 

The mahonias are budding with fruit for the birds.

Hung the theorems I painted many decades ago when I had free time!

Blooming mock orange.  I have found three very old bushes.

On the opposite side of the living room was the only space I could find for my primitive painted milk cupboard, which I was not ready to let go of.  It will come in handy for magazines and extra blankets for guests.

An antique chandelier, which will go in the living room where there is now only a lightbulb.  Contractor coming this weekend to see about fixing the water main to the house, then the cleaning and painting can begin.

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